
Machine Learning Glossary - Google for Developers

activation function

A function that enables neural networks to learn non-linear (complex) relationships between features and the label. Popupar activation functions include:

  • ReLU
  • Sigmoid
  • Tanh


The algorithm that implements gradient descent in neural networks.

Training a neural network involves many iterations of the following two-pass cycle:

  1. During the forward pass, the system processes a batch of examples to yild prediction(s). The system compares each prediction to each label value. The difference between the prediction and the lable value is the loss for that example. The system aggregates the losses for all the examples to compute the total loss for the current batch.
  2. During the backward pass (backpropagation), the system reduces loss by adjusting the weights of all the neurons in all the hidden layer(s).

Neural networks often contain many neurons across many hidden layers. Each of those neurons contribute to the overall loss in difference ways. Backpropagation determines whether to increase or decrease the weights applied to particular neurons.

The learning rate is a multiplier that controls the degree the which each backward pass increase or decreases each weight. A larget learning rate will increase or decrease each weight more than a small learning rate.

In calculus terms, backpropagation inplements calculus’ chain rule. That is, backpropagation calculuates the partial derivative of the error with respect to each parameter.


In general, any mathematical construct that processes input and returns output. Phrased differently, a model is the set of parameters and structure needed for a system to make predictions. In supervised machine learning, a model takes an example as input and infers a prediction as output. Within supervised machine learning, models differ somewhat. For example:

  • A linear regression model consists of a set of weights and a bias.
  • A neural network model consists of:
    • A set of hidden layers, each containing one or more neurons.
    • The weights and bias associated with each neuron.
  • A decision tree model consists of:
    • The shape of the tree; that is, the pattern in which the conditions and leaves are connected.
    • The conditions and leaves.

You can save, restore, or make copies of a model.

Unsupervised machine learning also generates models, typically a function that can map an input example to the most appropriate cluster.


An embedding is a relatively low-dimensional space into which you can translate high-dimensional vectors. Embeddings make it easier to do machine learning on large inputs like sparse vectors representing words. Ideally, an embedding captures some of the semantics of the input by placing semantically similar inputs close together in the embedding space. An embedding can be learned and reused across models.

Automatic Differentiation

All modern deep learning frameworks take the differentiation work off of our plates by offering automatic differentiation (often shortened to autograd). As we pass data through each successive function, the framework build a computational graph that tracks how each value depends on others. To calculate derivatives, automatic differentiation works backwards through this graph applying the chain rule. The computational algorithm for applying the chain rule in this fashion is called backpropagation.